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Rita M.

Rita M.

35-45 Age group

1 child , - years old

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Start: 05 / 2023 - 06 / 2023
Available for: 4 months - 6 months
Name Rita M.
Nationality Greek
Spoken language(s) Greek
We live in Greece
Registered on 13/05/2023
Last login 3 months+
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Personal introduction

we are looking for someone to as soon as possible and able to stay until October we are an easy going family living in the center of a beautiful touristic village called Molyvos on a greek island. My name is Rita and i am half Dutch half Greek. Dutch speaking would be an advantage.

The Au pair's job

from monday to friday our son will go to school from 9-2. We will need you in the afternoons 6-10 tuesday -friday Saturday - sunday 12-2 and 6-10 Mondays off we are flexible and can work around you if you want to go for a trip and go out at night. we have lunch at 2 and you are welcome to join us My husbands pastry shop is always open and you are welcome to eat and drink there as well. Most days around 6 we will go to the yard together where i will be working and you can do other activities with Dimitri. we all usually sleep late as Dimitri takes naps in the day and bed time is around 11.

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Prefer Au pair of gender Female
Au pair couples accepted Yes
The aupair will be required to drive No
Elderly care is required No
Housework required of Au pair Average


Single parent family No
Our religion Atheist
We practice our religion No
We have children with special needs No
We require care for children under age 2 No