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Nazionalità degli au pair
Au pair che desidera lavorare
Au pair attualmente vive in
Data di inizio
Au pair il cui sesso è
Mostra au pair che fuma
Fare lavori domestici
Au pair che può restare per
Età minima
Età massima
Mostra le coppie alla pari
Si prenderà cura degli anziani
Si prenderà cura dei bambini con bisogni speciali
Si prenderà cura degli animali domestici
Chi accetta bambini di età inferiore a 2 anni
Au pair con patente di guida
Considerazioni dietetiche

Amalie J.

23 età, Femminile

Inizia: 01 / 2025 - 11 / 2025
Disponibile per: 3 months - 24 months


I am a qualified pedagogue in the summer of 2024, and want to take my knowledge and skills abroad with me. I hope to be able to become part of a family, contribute to the family's everyday life and excursions. I am a young Danish woman who enjoys being with children.

Camille M.

18 età, Femminile

Inizia: 08 / 2024 - 03 / 2025
Disponibile per: 1 month - 6 months


I really like children. I wanna be a pedagogue when im older. I am going to study Bachelor in Social Education after aupair.

Villiam S.

21 età, Maschile

Inizia: 09 / 2024 - 06 / 2025
Disponibile per: 6 months - 24 months


I want to be an au pair because I want to try something new before I start the police academy and because I think I can give a host family a new knowledge and cultural experience

Emilia R.

18 età, Femminile

Inizia: 07 / 2024 - 08 / 2024
Disponibile per: 2 months - 12 months


Hey! My name is Emilia and I’m 18 years old. I’m from a small town in Denmark called Kokkedal. I have a lot of experience with house-chores and taking of children. I grew up with a single mother and a younger brother so I’ve always helped around the house. In the past I’ve been working as a ...

Liva B.

18 età, Femminile

Inizia: 08 / 2024 - 04 / 2025
Disponibile per: 6 months - 9 months


Bonjour ! Je m’appelle Liva et j’aurai dix-neuf ans le 31 mars. J’habite à Copenhague où je vais au lycée pour ma dernière année. Je vais dans un lycée musical ‘Sankt Annæ Gymnasium’ parce que j’ai fait du piano pendant six ans et j’aime aussi chanter des chansons rythmiques. ...

Annesofie B.

18 età, Femminile

Inizia: 08 / 2024 - 10 / 2024
Disponibile per: 9 months - 9 months


I would love to be an au pair in Paris, because I would love to live the Parisian lifestyle, whilst doing a job that I like. I enjoy taking care of children and cooking simple meals. I would also love to take the chance of moving away for a year, away from everything I am common with, and ...

Monica H.

18 età, Femminile

Inizia: 10 / 2024 - 05 / 2025
Disponibile per: 3 months - 6 months


Salut à tous ! Je voudrais être une au pair parce que je voudrais améliorer mon francais. Je cherche une famille qui va m'apprendre plus de la langue et de la culture. Cordialement, Monica

Phillippa K.

19 età, Femminile

Inizia: 07 / 2024 - 09 / 2024
Disponibile per: 3 months - 12 months


At the moment I'm taking a break from academics to experience new things and have some time to reflect on my future. My mother then one day gave me the idea of becoming an au pair as she herself has been one multiple times. And after hearing and reading about it, I really liked the concept of it ...

Sara K.

22 età, Femminile

Inizia: 11 / 2024 - 12 / 2024
Disponibile per: 4 months - 12 months


I Would love to get to know the culture of the country and Living with a family and helping Would be amazing. After High School i was an Exchange student in USA where i lived with a host family who i still talk to today. I had a wonderful time and loved Living in a differentiere country

Mie J.

18 età, Femminile

Inizia: 08 / 2024 - 03 / 2025
Disponibile per: 3 months - 9 months


I wan't to both help a family, and also i want to experience a different culture.

Anne S.

19 età, Femminile

Inizia: 07 / 2024 - 09 / 2024
Disponibile per: 3 months - 24 months


I really want to be an au pair because I would like to experience a new country, get to know the culture and get some unforgettable memories. I like children a lot and I like to travel. Therefore I figured this would be the perfect job for me:)

Marie F.

18 età, Femminile

Inizia: 08 / 2024 - 09 / 2024
Disponibile per: 6 months - 12 months


I want to be an au pair because I would like to live in another country and live with their culture. I almost always wanted to live in England (London) and saw being an au pair as an opportunity for this.