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Stefania B.

Stefania B.

35-45 Fascia di età

3 bambini , 2 & 3 - anni

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Inizia: 01 / 2014 - 04 / 2015
Disponibile per: 12 months - 24 months
Nome Stefania B.
Nazionalità British
Lingua(e) parlata(e) English
Viviamo in Luxembourg
Registrato il 28/10/2013
L’ultimo accesso 3 months+
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Introduzione personale

Dear au pair, I am a full time mum of 3 young boys of which 2 twins. My boys are lovely and full of energy so I am looking for a serious, reliable and trustworthy girl that can help me with them. We would welcome you as a 6th member of the family and hope you will want to spend as much time with us as possible. We are a family with 3 small boys who are full of energy. I am Italian, my husband English. We are looking for someone to help with the boys and who has experience of a similar age and number of children. We live in Luxembourg in a quiet quarter of the main city close to the centre, 5 mins by bus.

Il lavoro dell’Au pair

Helping me to look after the boys during the day and through their activities. This would include picking them up from creche, cooking meals for them, feeding them, changing them, playing with them. I am a full time mum so I am normally at home with the au pair, however it might be possible that occasionally the au pair will babysit alone 2 of the 3 children for a small amount of time. Helping with light houseworks. Participation to preparation of family meals is very welcome although not a must

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Preferisco Au pair di sesso Femminile
Accettate le coppie alla pari No
L’Aupair dovrà guidare No
È richiesta l'assistenza agli anziani No
Lavori domestici richiesti all'Au pair Medio


Famiglia monoparentale No
La nostra religione No Religion
Pratichiamo la nostra religione No
Abbiamo bambini con bisogni speciali No
Abbiamo bisogno di assistenza per i bambini di età inferiore a 2 anni No