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Christiane S.

Christiane S.

35-45 Fascia di età

2 bambini , 4.8 - anni

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Inizia: 08 / 2017 - 09 / 2017
Disponibile per: 12 months - 24 months
Nome Christiane S.
Nazionalità Luxembourgish
Lingua(e) parlata(e) English
Viviamo in Luxembourg
Registrato il 28/06/2017
L’ultimo accesso 3 months+
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Introduzione personale

We are a french-luxemburgish family living in the city of Luxembourg. Our daughters are 4 and 8 years old. As a very multicultural place, everyone in this country can speak at least 4 languages (French, Luxemburgish, German and English). This is the reason why we would love our daughters to learn a perfect english with a native english speaking au pair. The girls a really creatives and like to play outdoor games. We are looking forward to welcoming a very nice au pair very soon !

Il lavoro dell’Au pair

Our family will give a lot of free time to its au pair. The fixed schedules are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 to 7 pm which means 8h per week. We would also like our au pair to take care of the girls punctualy during evenings and weekends, but not too often.


Preferisco Au pair di sesso Femminile
Accettate le coppie alla pari No
L’Aupair dovrà guidare No
È richiesta l'assistenza agli anziani No
Lavori domestici richiesti all'Au pair Medio


Famiglia monoparentale No
La nostra religione No Religion
Pratichiamo la nostra religione No
Abbiamo bambini con bisogni speciali No
Abbiamo bisogno di assistenza per i bambini di età inferiore a 2 anni No