I’m an Egyptian Girl , I’m working as a volunteer in Romania with kids doing non formal educational activities for their learning Process, I’m working now for year with European Solidarity Corpus , It will be as first to work as Aupair
I want to become au pair because I would like to find my self (know my self more), to ameliorated my english and discover New culture, people ...
I have wanted to have this experience for many years, to improve my English and learn new habits. I expect to feel part of a family, who help me improve my English and show me a different way to life, being with children and creating good relationship with them.
I want to become an au pair because it combines my passion for working with children with the opportunity to immerse myself in a new culture. I find joy in helping children learn and grow, and being an au pair allows me to be a positive influence in their lives while also gaining a deeper ...
Vždy som rada cestovala a spoznávala nové kultúry. Život na Slovensku ma veľmi obmedzuje, a tým pádom som nemohla nikde využiť cudzí jazyk. Rada by som sa v jazyku i najďalej posunula a zlepšila svoje komunikačné skúsenosti. Pracovala som aj so seniormi, staršími ĺuďmi, ale ...
My interest in being an Au Pair is that I like the children too much. I think that with them it would be easy to improve my English because as me, they are growing and learning. With the children I feel comfortable and happy, and I would like to do many fun activities where both parts take ...
Mein Name ist Della und ich bin 25 Jahre alt. Sie bekommen sicherlich viele Briefe von angehenden Au-Pairs, aber ich versichere Ihnen, dass Sie es nicht bereuen werden, meine Gründe zu erfahren, warum ich Ihr Au-Pair werden möchte. Um Ihnen ein wenig mehr über mich zu erzählen: Ich bin ...
It’s a pleasure to greet you! My name is Andrea, I am Nicaraguan, and I am 23 years old. I speak English, Spanish, and Portuguese. I enjoy reading, watching animated shows, spending time with my family, and writing. I would love to learn to see the world through the eyes of children, full of ...