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Julia S.

Julia S.

18 âge, femme

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Départ: 07 / 2023 - 07 / 2023
Disponible pour: 1 month - 1 month
Nom Julia S.
Nationalité Austrian
Langues parlées German
Vivant maintenant dans Austria
Veut être un au pair à Spain , United Kingdom , Ireland
Inscrit le 26/02/2023
Dernière connexion 3 months+
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Introduction personnelle

Estimados Señores: Me llamo Julia. Tengo 18 años y estudio economía y pedagogía en la universidad en Linz y luego trabajaré de una profesora en una escuela. Para ganar independencia financiera trabajo como camarera durante los fines de semanas y durante las vacaciones trabajo en una empresa. Además doy clases particuares para estudiantes más jovenes en matemáticas e inglés. Para combinar mi amor por los niños y por la naturaleza estoy una instructora de ski durantes las vacaciones de invierno y paso mucho tiempo con niños de 3 a 10 años. Para mis prácticas sociales en la penúltima clase de la escuela secundaria elegí trabajar en una escuela primaria integrativa y trabajé con niños discapacitados. Vivo en una cuidad pequeña que se llama Wels (en Austria) con mis padres y con mi hermana menor que se llama Florentina. Tiene 11 años y me encanta mucho pasar tiempo con ella. Mi madre es una profesora de español por eso veía peliculas en español como “Don Quijote” cuando era niña. Tambien he estado en España muchas veces con mi familia. Además estudié español durante 4 años en la escuela. Yo opino que ser Aupair es la posiblidad perfecta de pasar tiempo en el extranjero durante mis estudios no solo porque tengo amor a los niños sino tambien para conozcer otra culutura, costumbres, comida y manera de vivir. Soy creativa, organziada, comunicativa, responsable y estoy motivada por eso es muy importante hacerme independiente y ampliar mi horizonte. Dear Sir or Madam! My name is Julia, but both my family and my friends call me July. Which is actually quite funny as I was born on the 18th of July 2004 and I will therefore turn nineteen this summer. During my academical tenure I have so far highly successfully obtained an entrepreneurship exam, achieved the C1 Level of the Cambridge first certificate in English and last year I passed the A-levels with excellent grades. Currently I am studying economics and education at the Johannes Keppler University in Linz (Austria). Besides taking courses I work as a waitress at the weekends and during the holidays I am employed at a warehouse in order to gain financial freedom as well as valuable working experience. I live in Austria in a town called Wels (approximately 60.000 inhabitants) in a spacious house with a huge garden together with my mother Sandra, my dad Arthur and my little sister Florentina. My mum works as an English and Spanish teacher whereas my father works as an project manager in an Austrian company. My little sister Florentina is eleven years old and I am keen on spending time with her as we do have a very strong connection. Due to our big age gap, I am often responsible for taking care of her and while babysitting we play cards, watch movies, go on day trips together. I tremendously appreciate the time spend together with her and friends her age. For four years I have been helping younger students via tutoring lessons in both Mathematics and English as well as Spanish. Moreover, I was given the opportunity to do an internship in an elementary school where I gained valuable experience with disabled children (certificate). In my leisure time I enjoy spending time with my friends, playing basketball (I participated at the Austrian championship) and as I am an active person, I love spending time in the nature and therefore love hiking and skiing trips. In order to combine both my love for nature and children I work as a trainee skiing instructor, where I am responsible for children mostly aged between three and ten. I am outspoken, open-minded and I am totally looking forward to getting in touch with not only new cultural and traditional customs but also meeting new people. I have been travelling together with my family to the US (East- and Westcoast), Mexico, Thailand, Egypt and various European countries (including Spain, Italy, France, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Poland, Germany, Hungary, Estonia, Croatia) which have been horizon broadening experiences. I am a warm-hearted person, and I would love to get the chance to include myself into both the community and family. I am absolutely excited about this special, once in a lifetime opportunity. If you do have any questions, please contact me anytime.

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À propos de

État civil Single
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Avez-vous un permis de conduire? oui
Depuis combien de temps avez-vous un permis de conduire ? 1 à 2 ans
Êtes-vous prêt à conduire? oui
Considérations diététiques None
La religion Roman Catholic
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