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Sarah S.

Sarah S.

21 âge, femme

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Départ: 07 / 2017 - 01 / 2018
Disponible pour: 3 months - 18 months
Nom Sarah S.
Nationalité American
Langues parlées English
Vivant maintenant dans United States of America
Veut être un au pair à United Kingdom , Ireland
Inscrit le 04/10/2016
Dernière connexion 3 months+
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Introduction personnelle

Hello! My name is Sarah and I currently attend the University of Virginia in America. I graduate this May and am looking to travel and experience different lifestyles before settling down. I look forward to meeting you and learning all about yourselves and your culture! I'm especially looking forward to getting to know your little ones! As the oldest child in a family of 7, my household has always been busy and there is always something going on. With all my siblings I have had a lot of experience with all ages, and have come to love being surrounded by all their energy! I have been babysitting since I was 12 and even nannied two boys throughout my time at Uni. I have experience with all aspects of child care and I truly love working with kids. I believe their view and outlook on life is one of the best ways to experience anything. Growing up in a big, loving family, I couldn't imagine not having that type of support system. I hope that as an au pair I can help provide that support and become someone the children look up to and are close with. Hopefully I will be able to teach them just as much as I expect they will teach me! I have an appreciation for young minds and how they always seem to see the world in such a positive light and I hope to help them continue down that path. Being an au pair would combine my love for children with the experiences of traveling I'm looking for and I can't wait to get started!

Galerie de photos

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Avez-vous déjà travaillé dans le pays que vous avez sélectionné ? Non
Lieu préféré Any
Ferez-vous le ménage ? oui
Prendrez-vous soin d'enfants de moins de 2 ans ? oui
Âge préféré des enfants any
Accepterez-vous une famille monoparentale ? oui
Prendrez-vous soin d'enfants ayant des besoins spéciaux? Non
Allez-vous vous occuper des animaux de compagnie? oui
Prendrez-vous soin des personnes âgées ? oui

À propos de

État civil
faites vous partie d'un couple au pair ? Non
Avez-vous un permis de conduire? oui
Depuis combien de temps avez-vous un permis de conduire ? 5 ans et plus
Êtes-vous prêt à conduire? oui
Considérations diététiques None
La religion Methodist
Pratiquez-vous votre religion ? Non
Avez-vous déjà travaillé comme un au pair ? Non